lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2016

EKOLABS 2016 - Call for Tools Opened!

In this opportunity ToolsWatch will come to South America, invited by ekoparty security conference. It will be their first time here and we will work together to bring great tools in an area named: EKOLABS.
As you know the concept is very simple, the EKOLABS tool area is dedicated for independent researchers and the open source community. We will provide kiosks complete with monitor, power, and wired Internet access and you will bring your machine to showcase your work and answer questions from delegates attending ekoparty security conference.
It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of the Call for Tool for this first edition of EKOLABS held at the Ciudad Cultural Konex, Buenos Aires, Argentina  October 26-28, 2016 

The same old rules to consider before applying:
  • Bring your computer (consider video outputs HDMI/VGA), your tool, your stickers, your t-shirts …
  • As speaker you will have one (1) full ticket for the conference.
  • EKOPARTY won’t pay your accommodation and flights for the conference.
  • Avoid stodgy keynotes. Folks are expecting action. So give’em action.
  • No vendor pitches!
  • Be yourself, be cool, and wear a smile.
  • Hug the folks at the EKOLABS :)
  • Above all, have Tremendous Fun !!
If you think you can survive these rules and want to give your tool a chance to shine, the time is now! Applications for EKOLABS will be accepted until Monday 3, October 2016, with rolling acceptances until that date.

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